Change Your Thoughts and You Change Your World.

We must never forget that we may also find meaning in life even when confronted with a hopeless situation, when facing a fate that cannot be changed. For what then matters is to bear witness to the uniquely human potential at its best, which is to transform a personal tragedy into triumph, to turn one’s predicament into a human achievement. When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.

~ Viktor Frankl

I am by no means an expert on the current global situation but when it comes to fearing and stressing, I have a master’s degree in it…simply because I have done a lot of both and let me tell you, neither one gave me one iota of peace.

I am a highly anxious person, I can turn the least stressful situation into the most stressful one BUT despite what is going on in the world right now, I am the calmest I have been in a loooong time…which makes no sense to me at all, but I’m rolling with it!

I thought about this as I was comforting a woman in tears in Woolworths yesterday, who was in such despair because she couldn’t even get the basics she needed for her family. I saw the fear in her eyes and heard the fear in her words and it broke my heart.

But then I had this realisation, if there was ever a time to practice what I preach, it’s now. This is the exact thing I have been trained for. Like soldiers who trained for war, this is when I get to be of service to people and do my part to help and connect with those of you that are feeling a little out of control.

I can’t tell you when things will calm down, I can’t tell you when it will be safe enough to shake hands, kiss or hug someone again and I can’t tell you if there will be enough toilet paper in the supermarket tomorrow but I can tell you that if you don’t start making your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing a priority you are going to have far bigger problems to deal with.

I can’t wave a magic wand and make it all better but what I legitimately do have a degree and diploma in is education and wellbeing. So, if I may, let me help in the one way I can right now by putting your mind, body and soul at ease by learning to take control of the things you can – of which there are many.

\ Watch your words – words are powerful. I think one of the main reasons I am remaining calm is because of what I am telling myself. I refuse to tell myself this won’t get better; I refuse to tell myself that it is the worst thing that has ever happened, and I refuse to tell myself we will run out of toilet paper. There are two very strong statements I am repeating to myself right now, one is from author Elizabeth Gilbert, ‘It’s all going to be alright’ and the other is what my dad always used to say ‘This too shall pass’. If you’re sitting there thinking that thoughts won’t change anything – you’re wrong sista! Thoughts are everything and the science proves it. Also be aware of the words you are using when speaking to other people. Are you empowering them or feeding their fear?

\ Move your body and relax the mind – even if you are stuck at home, make use of YouTube and do some gentle yoga and meditation. I do the Boho Beautiful workouts and it has seriously changed my life! Yoga shifts a lot of negative energy stored in the body and meditation helps to focus the mind on the present moment – which is the only moment you have control over. My most favourite meditation is the Loving Kindness Meditation. This right now is something beautiful you can do for yourself as well as other people in your life that need it. They don’t even need to know you are doing it for them, but I promise you they will feel it.

\ Dance/sing it out – on the topic of moving your body, use this time to put together a kick-ass playlist on Spotify. Play it every day and dance it or sing it out, and by ‘it’ I mean all the negative pent up energy you are holding onto in your body. Get rid of it now! That stuff will do more harm than the virus. Here are some of my favourite playlists:

Gabby Bernstein’s Positive Perception Playlist

The Self Ashored Playlist

Mel Robbins Kick Ass Playlist

Light is the New Black Book Playlist

\ Post consciously – we think we are doing a service to people by keeping them informed but you would be hard pressed to find a person in the world that is not aware of what is going on. Only share what comes directly from a trusted health organisation and be aware of what words are being used in headlines to grab attention. A lot of what is being shared is fear based and particular words are used to trigger people. Anxiety is a pandemic right now and these kinds of posts are feeding it. If you are going to post something, I want you to ask yourself one question ‘How am I helping?’.

\ Be grateful – at times like these we resort to ‘lack mentality’ where we constantly focus on what we don’t have instead of what we do. Gratitude is being aware of what we have in our lives, so we are not on an endless quest for what we wish we had. Expressing gratitude not only releases happy hormones in the brain but it helps us to focus on what is already good in our lives. It is proven to switch the pathways in the brain from negative to positive. Practicing gratitude everyday turns what we have into enough rather than always looking for more. One way to do this is to keep a gratitude journal where you write down at least three things every day you are grateful for or read the book called The Magic by Rhonda Byrne which takes you through a 28 day gratitude practice – seriously life changing.

 \ Selfless care – any time you take to put yourself first is selfless…not selfish. It is a known fact that we are ‘too busy’ to take proper care of ourselves, so the Universe is giving us a swift kick up the rear and forcing us to take care of ourselves. Use it to your advantage! Read that book you have always wanted to read, watch that movie you have always wanted to watch, make that meal you have always wanted to try, write that book you have always wanted to write.

 \ Find the relaxed person in the room – Author Elizabeth Gilbert shared this recently – the most powerful person in the room is the most relaxed. The relaxed person holds all the power because they see everything that is happening. They not only see possibilities, but they also see impossibilities. There will be things in your life you will have no control over – that you can’t change, but you can’t take action from a hysterical place. Find your relaxed person and stick with them.

And always remember – the high tide will come in – for those of you who have read my book, the very first chapter talks about the ebb and flow of life. Right now, we are at low tide, as we have been many times before, but I promise you the high tide will come in, we have a very long history of high tides coming in after some tumultuous events when I am sure that humanity was certain the world was coming to an end. When that high tide does come in (and it will) those of us that have done all of the above are going to be in a far better position to help those who have been directly affected by it – because we will be the relaxed person in the room!

Stay safe, wash hands, share the toilet paper!

Peace out

L x

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